10 Tips And Tricks That Will Make You A Better ReactJS Developer

React is one of the most desirable and popular programming languages that allow building the interface by adding dynamic features. ReactJS allows the developers to write clean codes by easily breaking a project into several components for understanding.

10 Tips And Tricks That Will Make You A Better ReactJS Developer

Many companies hire React Development Company to build modern-day UI components as well as improvise the application performance level. ReactJS developers leverage the knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML as well as work closely with web developers, testers, designers, as well as project managers. It is prominent to create an effective and robust application.

Tips To Make You A Better ReactJS Developer:

Tips To Make You A Better ReactJS Developer

Whether you’re struggling with React, then here are some of the important tips and essential techniques for improving the code output. Below are the top 10 techniques for making you a better ReactJS Developer.

Keep Components Small:

To be a good developer, you must know that classes, small modules, or something which is much easier to maintain or understand. Moreover, an experienced developer should also be experienced in using React components. The size of the component depends on numerous factors, even the smaller components. Below are some examples.

Const InterestingFacts = props => (
  <h1>Interesting Facts</h1>
   { props.facts.map(fact => <Fact key={fact.slug} fact={fact}/>) }

These have a heading while another is mapped on data for rendering the element called <Fact>. It is convenient for extracting <Fact> along with another component.

Add Functional Components:

One of the best ways to achieve performance is through testing the React components with functional components. Functional components are easier to be analyzed by the developers and assure in saving more time.


Normally, the Styled Components belong to CSS-in-JS libraries. These abstract CSS with component level are convenient for JavaScript based on the different styles. It is created using the ES6 Template Literal Notation. This lets all features of CSS be added to create better functions.

React Fragments:

React Fragments is the pattern in React. The process especially allows for wrapping or grouping multiple elements even without adding an extra node and a suitable option for multiple child elements/components.

Context API For Smaller Applications:

ReactJS Developers also use the Context API for Smaller Applications as well as Redux for applications already using Redux. React has grown to a point where it gains natively support on the state management with its own context API. Context and Redux are quite similar as they provide a way to pass data through the component tree. There is no need to pass props down manually with nested components.

Error Boundaries:

No matter what project, there could be errors, and it happens in specific circumstances. Sometimes, these errors could also lead to an unstable state. Unhandled errors could also unmount the application. Error boundaries are one of the best concepts to rectify the error.
If there is any error within a component, it will bubble through parents until they hit the root of the application or find a component that handles the error. The error boundary approach is quite a generic component for tracking care of all errors in children.

Using React-Specific Linting:

Keeping the code clean through the use of the linter tool is an amazing option. These are defined sets of rules which codes need to follow as well as highlights anywhere. This ensures all the code which passes rules before merging into the codebase. It would allow projects to stay maintainable.

Conditionals in JSX

Writing JSX is one of the top features of React. It is really cool and assists in development. To enhance your capabilities you can easily use it by the below-mentioned trick:
Rather than using this:

{ return loginAttemps < maxAttempts ? <MyComponent/> : null }
Developers can do a short-circuit assessment like this:
{ return loginAttemps < maxAttempts && <MyComponent/> }

Use Proptypes:

PropTypes is helpful for React developers as these would provide more numbers of type checking/safety for components. These also export a wide variety of validators useful for checking whether data is valid. React will log an error when the component is not given the required prop.

High Order Component:

The High Order Component is the basic function that takes another component as an argument as well as returns the new components. It allows for decomposing logic with simple and small functions.

Conclusion: A developer requires constant as well as continuous learning along with the problem-solving attribute. You need to stay up-to-date on various helpful tools. Above are some of the 10 techniques which could make you a skilled ReactJS Developer.